Design and 3D Visualization for Consumer Products, Packaging and Displays
I help companies and inventors create, visualize and communicate new product design opportunities.
I offer Product Design and 3D Visualization services for large corporations, small businesses, and individuals. I work remotely allowing me to collaborate with clients from anywhere in the world. I’m dedicated to delivering high quality and visually stunning designs that exceed my clients’ expectations.
Product Design
Whether you're brainstorming a new product or enhancing an existing one, I can assist in conceptualizing and refining your ideas to optimize functionality and aesthetics for your end users. From initial concepts to final refinements, I'm here to guide you through the process of bringing your vision to life. My design process breaks down into 6 steps.
RESEARCH & ANALYSIS This involves gathering information about the market, target audience, user needs, and competitor products. It may also involve identifying trends, technological advancements, and regulatory requirements that may impact the design.
IDEA GENERATION Brainstorm and generate ideas for the product based on the insights gained from research. Ideas may be generated through rough sketches and brainstorming sessions.
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Selected ideas are further developed into conceptual designs with refined drawings, 3D models, color, materials and finish. The model is then rendered from various angles to communicate the idea to stakeholders and users who are often sought to refine concepts.
PROTOTYPING Once a concept is selected, prototypes can be created to test and evaluate the functionality, usability, and feasibility of the design. Prototypes can range from simple models made of cardboard or foam to more advanced prototypes using 3D printing or other manufacturing techniques.
TESTING AND ITERATION Prototypes are tested with users to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. Adjustments and refinements are made as necessary.
PRODUCTION FILES Once the design has been refined and validated, the conceptual files are handed over to an engineer for the creation of CAD files, detailed specifications, drawings, and documentation necessary for manufacturing.
3D Visualization
Before a product hits the market, it’s important to start promoting it. Using computer-generated models (CAD) and lifelike images is a great way to create presentations to seek investors, create promotional materials and showcase the product across online stores. This helps build excitement and drive sales before the product is even available. Additionally, it offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional photography.
Here are some examples of how 3D visualization can be used for products, packaging, and displays:
Product Visualization With 3D visualization, businesses can showcase their products in a virtual environment, allowing customers to see how they look from different angles, colors, and materials. This helps in making informed decisions during the design process, enabling companies to iterate and refine their product designs before manufacturing.
Packaging Visualization Before finalizing packaging designs, 3D visualization allows businesses to visualize how their product will look in different packaging options. It provides an accurate representation of how the packaging will affect the overall product aesthetics, allowing companies to make adjustments and optimize their packaging designs for maximum impact.
Display Visualization 3D visualization plays a crucial role in designing retail displays and exhibitions. It enables businesses to create virtual mock-ups of their displays, allowing them to experiment with different layouts, lighting, and product placements. By visualizing the end result, companies can ensure the display effectively showcases their products and captures the attention of their target audience.
Software Rhinoceros 3D • Keyshot • Adobe Creative Suite 

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